Posts in Consulting

A Guide to Finding a Telecommute Job and Thriving as a Remote Worker

January 19th, 2021 Posted by Consulting, Millennials 0 thoughts on “A Guide to Finding a Telecommute Job and Thriving as a Remote Worker”

Guest Blogger: Katie Conroy  (


Many Americans lost their job in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, job losses are at their highest since the Great Depression, according to research from the University of Minnesota. If you’re out of work, you might consider getting a remote job. Working independently gives you the flexibility to work from home.

The great news is that there are many opportunities available. From 2005 to 2019, remote work increased a whopping 159%. The rise has been further exacerbated by COVID-19’s stay-at-home measures. Today, you can do everything from sales to graphic design at home.

Follow this step-by-step guide to finding a fitting remote opportunity and excelling in your new role working from home.

Amelie Karam can provide first-hand “millennial” expertise to cater to your personalized event or conference. Complete this contact form to learn more!

Find the right gig

Before you start hunting, consider what kind of opportunity might fit your skillset. The Balance Careers provides a list of remote job options, from customer service to sales. Take a look and get inspired. Once you have an idea of the type of job you want to do, you can narrow down your search. For example, some platforms are more broadly focused, while others focus on niche areas, like graphic design or content writing.

Set up your home office

Once you have your dream job, you can create your dream office. Don’t just slouch on the couch or work from the kitchen table. Having a dedicated office apart from the distractions of home life will enhance focus and productivity. Opt for ergonomic furniture that supports healthy posture, as well as fits your budget. You can also consider getting an adjustable-height desk that you can use standing or sitting.

Invest in the right tech tools

You will also need tech tools to successfully work remotely. In addition to a computer and high-speed internet, you may want a headset for video conferences. To further enhance your health and safety, consider investing in a wireless ergonomic keyboard. This will offer wrist support to decrease the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. You might also want to invest in productivity technology, like the Evernote time management tool or Slack for communication.

Streamline your brand

As your freelance business grows, make it official. Boost your brand by settling on a streamlined business name, logo, and website design. This can help you get more remote work in the future. You can also use something like a logo on marketing materials, including business cards, brochures, and advertisements. Presenting a cohesive brand fosters customer awareness and loyalty.

Consider formally establishing a business entity

Another way to make your customers take you more seriously is to formally establish your business as a legal entity. Forming a limited liability company, LLC, helps to protect your personal assets in case of legal claims. It also provides tax advantages and greater flexibility. Different states have different laws surrounding LLC formation, so it’s important to check your local legislation first. You don’t have to pay a lawyer big bucks to file the paperwork needed to form a business. You can use business formation services or even do it yourself.

Find your network of fellow freelancers

While remote work offers many perks, some freelancers report feeling lonely because of the lack of face-to-face contact. Build a virtual support network. Attending Zoom after-work drinks and networking events is a great way to stay connected and motivated.

While transitioning to remote work can be daunting, the above steps will help you make the change smoothly. You may ultimately find that you enjoy working from home even more than working in an office. You just have to invest some time and money into getting your home business running at the beginning.

Intergenerational Consulting

July 15th, 2019 Posted by Consulting, Millennials 0 thoughts on “Intergenerational Consulting”

Plato wrote in Republic that necessity is the mother of all invention. Society finds ways to adapt as new needs and problems requiring novel solutions arise. This could apply not just to physical inventions but also to the labor market. The global social and economic flux throughout the decades define how each generation approaches work, and as a result, various industries have come up to meet the changing labor landscape. An example of this change is the increasing number of working Millennials and what makes them different. The “invention” that will help you serve this booming population? Intergenerational consulting. 

The rise of Millennials in the workforce opened a gap that needs to be bridged. Investing in intergenerational consulting means getting the tools and insight you need for the task at hand. As we dive headfirst into what this type of consulting is, let’s take a look at how each generation was shaped by the social, political, and economic forces surrounding them. Then we can gain a better understanding of how different Millennials are from generations past.

The Silent Generation (ages 72-89)

This generation was born between 1925-1942 and, according to Forbes, makes up about 20 million U.S. adults in their 70s and 80s. This Time magazine essay dubbed them the Silent Generation, a cohort that grew up in the time of war. They were considered silent because of their avoidance of protests. Economically, they are considered the wealthiest– well-educated and pensioned homeowners with hefty retirement funds that were sold out before the 2008 housing crash. 

Baby Boomers (53-71)

If the last of the Silent Generation turned 65 before 2007, Baby Boomers turned 65 in 2011. This cohort was born post-World War II. There were 3.4 million babies born in 1946 compared to the 2.5 million average birth rate in previous years–hence the term Baby Boomers. This generation had quite the tumultuous economic, political, and social experiences–the moon landing of 1969, Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, Watergate, and more. Between Millennials and Boomers, the latter are more conservative in terms of home ownership, views on family, and stance on social issues. 

Generation X (37-52)

After the Boomers came Generation X, or Gen X for short. Gen Xers were born between the mid-60s and early-80s. There are about 50 million members of the Gen X cohort. They are the “the last analog generation” but also the first Internet and tech generation. According to Investopedia, about 68% of Fortune 500 CEOs come from this group. However, Gen Xers are not as financially stable as the Silent Generation especially in light of the Great Recession. A Vanity Fair article interestingly describes Gen X as “ cynical, wised up, sane,” and as a kind of “market corrective” to the generation that preceded them. Gen Xers have a different philosophy compared to the Boomers–they were activists and socially liberal. Some famous Gen Xers include Jeff Bezos, Michelle Obama, Jay-Z, Tiger Woods, and Elon Musk.

Millennials (20-36)

After our tour of the different generations starting from those born in 1925, we have at last arrived at the Millennials or Generation Y. This generation was born between 1981 to 1996. Millennials in 2018 were between the ages of 22 and 37. Compared to the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers, Millennials are less slower to get married and own homes. This cohort is the most racially diverse and better educated but are not necessarily the most stable economically.

It is interesting to note how a lot of women from previous generations were not part of the labor force. Today, Millennial women make up 72% of the workforce according to Pew Research. But while that is the case, Millennials have inherited the after effects of the Great Recession making the job market more challenging. This is why a Millennial can be educated and still have a hard time entering the workforce–and these factors affect all of their lifestyle choices such as delaying starting a family.

Get Intergenerational Consulting For Your Business

There is so much more that we can unpack about each generation, but we can safely conclude that there are some major differences all of the groups we’ve covered here. But in spite of these differences, we can create shared experiences and help build those gaps. This is where the value of intergenerational consulting shines through–we can work together to uncover where your business or organization is at in terms of the population it employs and serves. How can you bring Millennials into the fold? What can they learn from you and your experiences? 

Let’s ask these questions together, bridge that gap, and create an environment where everyone thrives no matter which generation you’re from. Contact me to learn more about intergenerational consulting and how it can help you.

Tips & Advice for Millennials

April 18th, 2018 Posted by Consulting, Millennials 0 thoughts on “Tips & Advice for Millennials”

Hello, dear friends. I am proud to share this generational title with you, even though we often receive backlash — both warranted and unwarranted. We are a generation full of dreamers, doers, overachievers, and risk takers. We are young and full of life. The world is our oyster!

However, before we get too high and mighty, let’s get back to reality for a second. Yes, we are the newest generation in the workforce. Yes, we are more connected and technologically savvy than any generation before us. And yes, we can work quickly and multitask. All of this may be true, but when it comes to the workplace, it doesn’t matter. Without being a team player and understanding that we still have so much to learn from our older colleagues, we are setting ourselves up for frustration and failure.

Through my work, I have interacted with professionals of all ages and how workplaces can best bridge generational gaps where everyone feels heard, needed, and relevant. I am “team Millennial,” so I want you all to succeed.

Here are a few ways that you can work with your Generation X and Baby Boomer coworkers better.

  1. Put your phone away. One of the biggest frustrations I hear about our generation is that we are too dependent on our phones. Let’s not give them more reason to feel this way. When you have a task in front of you, finish it in a timely manner. When you have completed it, instead of pulling out your phone immediately, ask your supervisor what you can do next. Believe me, this simple act will be noticed. This shows you take your job seriously and you are focused on your work and your future. Also, before a meeting begins, use that time to interact with your coworkers and build relationships, not check your Instagram. Building relationships will help the team value you more.
  2. Listen. This sounds easy, but we all know it is not. If you want your ideas to be considered, you have to consider others’. Taking the time to listen to your older coworkers and leaders will show that you are open to learning and growing. By listening, you are giving your colleagues an opportunity to share their thoughts and hopefully in return, ask for your thoughts as well.
  3. Show up. You may be the low man on the totem pole, but you’re still on it. When your workplace offers events, socials, or team building initiatives, do them. This will help build comradery, respect, and trust with your fellow coworkers. Be appreciative of the time and effort your organization is putting in to make your workplace a positive one. (And if your organization isn’t doing anything specifically to enable a beneficial workplace for all generations, ask to spearhead it. You can help create a positive generational change!)
  4. Be adaptable. Take advantage of your youth and learn as much as you can in your current organization. Your older colleagues have put in years of hard work to be where they are today. Although it may be challenging sometimes, you can’t change all the rules. To thrive, you must be flexible.

To all you millennials out there, I am proud of you. Keep chasing your dreams. But remember those who came before us. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we are today.




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