Monthly Archives: August, 2017

Understanding the Millennial Mindset

August 29th, 2017 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Understanding the Millennial Mindset”

We All Have A Story

What event or “story” has changed the way Americans live? In December 2016, the Pew Research Center conducted a study that asked over 2,000 people (from various generations) which top 10 national events had impacted their lives.

Each generation- the Silent Generation (ages 72-89), Baby Boomers (53-71), Generation X (37-52), and Millennials (20-36)- had a list comprised of different happenings throughout the respective generation’s lifetime. Coincidentally, the most life-altering event experienced by each generation was September 11th. The tragic events of that day united our country, those both young and old. This event and “story” shaped us.

We all have a story. Each one of us has had unique experiences that shaped us into who we are today. These experiences range from medical issues/events, divorce, abuse, loss of a loved one, and so much more. Each experience leaves a mark on a life like a scratch on a record. (Non Baby Boomers- think CD.) No matter how hard you try to go back to the time before the scratch happened, you can’t. It is permanent; the record is changed. Understanding these changes is pivotal in relationship building.

Millennials (20-36 year olds) are big fans of “the story.” We are a generation that is connected through social media and instant news, which makes things feel much more personalized. We crave community and personalization in the workplace. We seek the connection in everything we do. To help connect with your Millennials, create a work environment with open communication. By sharing events that shaped you and asking your coworkers what shaped them, you are opening the door to a workplace of better understanding and stronger relationships.

Your Millennial colleagues want to be connected. Workplace relationships built on understanding and open communication will help create a positive environment where Millennials will want to invest time and energy. Life is all about relationships. Take the time to tell your story and listen to your coworkers’ stories. We all want to be heard. We all have a story.

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